Thursday, August 11, 2011

I have been thinking a lot about the science of death and afterlife, what are your opinions?

I have been pondering the mystery of death lately. It frightens me yet I find it interesting how one day we will simply cease to exist. With DMT being released one last time, what does that do for us? Is it the key to releasing our mindset to the afterlife? I mean since it is released before we dream? we cannot physically see or hear or feel once we die, but is there an alternative form of sensation once we die? I mean some people can communicate with the dead so I assume something goes on. I myself have a history w/ the paranormal so I am convinced "something" happens. What is your take on it all? It's not like I ponder obsessively about death, that's not a good way to live. But I have a big interest in it lately

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